lessonslearnedabroad.com http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com best research paper writing guides Thu, 14 Sep 2023 12:46:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/1150/2023/01/fav.png lessonslearnedabroad.com http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com 32 32 Term Paper Format and Writing Guide http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com/term-paper.html http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com/term-paper.html#respond Fri, 20 Jan 2023 17:26:10 +0000 http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com/?p=36 Term papers account for the bulk of your grade. They are meant to test you on what you’ve learned for the most of the academic year. To this end, understanding the term paper definition is the first thing you should do. It also helps to look at an example of term paper from those in the class above you. The rest of this article will help you get started.

What is a term paper?

A term paper is a piece of academic writing mandated by educational institutions. The primary purpose of term papers is to assess the student’s understanding of the topics they have learned throughout the term.

Term papers are usually part of different levels of education from middle school to college. However, the term paper format varies depending on multiple variables. For your term paper, you may be required to argue a point, describe an event, or define a concept. It could be based on a personal story or a current event.

Term paper format

The format of your term paper depends on the subject, level of education, and field of study. Term papers are usually objective, but this isn’t always the case. Your term paper outline should make room for an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Being a college student, you may also need to provide an abstract and a bibliography.

Term paper introduction

The introduction of your term paper should be short and informative. One paragraph of 150 to 250 words is usually more than enough for your term paper introduction. However, you may break the introduction into two to three sections depending on the overall length of the work.

The purpose of your custom term paper introduction is to give the reader an overview of what to expect in the paper. It must be engaging, as it is going to determine how your reader views your content.


The body of your term paper is the most vital part of the paper as it contains the primary information about the paper. Whether your paper is research-based or personal, the main points should appear in the body. Do not fill the body of your term paper with fluff. Stick to relevant information only.

There is no limit to how many paragraphs you can add to the body, but it should be at least three. It would help if you decided how many paragraphs you want when you are making your term paper outline.


Your conclusion is a summary of everything you mention in the body of your paper. You should not add any new information about the subject in the conclusion.

Summarize and wrap up the paper. If you are required to write a bibliography, do it right after you wrap up the article. Abstracts should also be written after you write but should be placed on the page before the introduction.

How to buy a term paper

You can save yourself the stress of writing your term paper on your own by paying someone to write it for you. There are online platforms for those who require professional custom term paper writing. You can purchase this service and get your paper right on time. Alternatively, you can get term paper help from someone in your school. However, this comes with a higher risk of getting caught.


Your term paper should not be taken lightly since it can either boost or decrease your overall grade. Start by writing the term paper outline and use it as a blueprint to complete the paper. You can also save yourself time by seeking term paper help from a professional.

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Research Guide on How to Write a Paper Fast http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com/how-to-write-a-paper-fast.html http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com/how-to-write-a-paper-fast.html#respond Fri, 20 Jan 2023 17:25:58 +0000 http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com/?p=37 Writing a research paper is more complex than writing a blog post or something similar. However, there are tips for writing a paper that can help speed up the learning progress. This article is your quick research paper guide, containing everything you need to know about writing your first paper.

How to write a research paper fast

There are many fields that require research paper writing. While the prerequisites for different fields may vary, the principles of writing all research papers are usually the same. Below are some vital tips forteachingh you how to write a research paper in a day.

Make a detailed outline

A detailed outline should contain the number of chapters you intend to write in the paper. Each chapter should have a title that describes its content. Ideally, you should focus on one primary point per chapter except otherwise stated. This is also an excellent time to determine your methodology and write your thesis statement.

Gather your research

The next step to getting started is gathering your research on the subject. After getting your topic and making an outline, gather fast research to support each point. Stick to primary research sources that are recent. Do not go for anything older than ten years. The more recent the study, the more accurate it will likely be for your paper.

Make a compelling introduction

Your introduction is a vital part of your paper because it is the first thing your reader will see after your abstract. Make sure it is compelling enough to keep the reader engaged while providing a glimpse of what the reader will find in the research. One of the best ways to start an introduction for fast research is to start with some facts and figures. Statistics are attention grabbers.

Avoid plagiarism

If your work lacks originality, you will have to rewrite everything or multiple parts of the paper after you finish. This time-consuming process can be avoided by ensuring authenticity from the beginning of your paper to the end. Do not copy and paste the research you find on and off the internet as your own. Take the information you need and create your content. Reference your paper and use the right citation.

Use a grammar-checking tool

Proofreading your paper after writing can be time-consuming. However, another tip from this quick research paper guide that can speed things up is a grammar-checking tool. These tools allow you to determine the grammatical quality of your work at a glance. They also help you check for typographical errors in every part of the article simultaneously. However, do not become overly reliant on grammar-checking software, as the suggestions are not always accurate.

Start with a draft

Due to the rush, you may be tempted to skip the draft and go straight to the paper. However, this would be a mistake. One of the best tips for writing a paper is to start with a draft. The draft offers a wide range of benefits that work toward making the final copy as error-free and accurate as possible.

Consider professional help

Despite your best efforts, you may not be able to complete a research paper in one day. If this is your first attempt at fast research and you do not think 24 hours is enough time to complete it, consider paying for a professional platform for academic writing. You will need to pay a decent amount for this service, but you can rest assured that the paper will be completed accurately and on schedule.

Can you write a research paper in a day

You can write a research paper daily if you have the correct information. As long as your research topic is easily accessible online and in your surroundings, you should not have a problem. The length of the paper also matters. Typically, research papers are between 15 and 50 pages. If your paper falls within the lower end of this range, you should not have a problem.


Now that you know how to write a research paper fast, you can choose a topic in your field and start experimenting. Remember to keep your work factual, plagiarism free, and free of grammatical errors.

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Difference Between Abstract and Introduction http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com/abstract-vs-introduction.html http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com/abstract-vs-introduction.html#respond Thu, 12 Jan 2023 16:03:15 +0000 http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com/?p=26 If you are about to write your first academic paper, you may be confused about the difference between abstract and introduction. These are two vital parts of academic writing that play different roles. The abstract usually comes first before the introduction. In this article, you will learn the purpose of an abstract and the purpose of introduction.

Abstract vs Introduction

An abstract is a brief or concise summary of the content of an academic paper. The purpose of an abstract is to provide insight into the reason for the research, thesis statement, and conclusion. It is a vital part of a paper that helps the reader determine if the paper is worth reading or not.

There are typically three types of abstracts in research writing. These are indicative abstracts, informative abstracts, and evaluative abstracts. While other types of abstracts are short, informative abstracts are usually longer and more detailed. The abstract appears before the paper, but it is better to complete the research first before working on the abstract.

The purpose of introduction is to build up the reader’s anticipation ahead of the research. How to introduce a research paper depends on the topic and purpose of the paper. However, one thing all introductions have in common is that they provide background information about the subject. While it is similar to the abstract, there are multiple critical differences between both.

Difference between abstract and introduction

Is an abstract the same as an introduction? The short answer is no. Below are some specific differences between both.

Differences in length

An abstract is typically shorter than an introduction. For regular academic papers, the abstract length is traditionally between 100 and 300 words. However, the length of an introduction ranges between 350 and 500 words for academic papers.

Differences in language

Since abstracts are meant to give simple summaries, they tend to contain straightforward grammar rather than complex terms. For introduction, you can use more complex vocabulary. While anybody can read and understand the purpose of an abstract, only people familiar with the topic can understand the purpose of introduction in academic papers.

Differences in information

The type of information provided in an abstract is slightly different from the information found in an introduction. Most abstracts do not offer detailed background information about the subject. However, introductions provide accurate background data. Also, introductions may contain citations, while abstracts do not.

Differences in position

The purpose of an abstract is to provide a summary of the content, while the introduction is meant to prepare you for what to expect in the paper. In every research paper, an abstract comes first before an introduction. This is the gold standard for placing an abstract irrespective of the subject matter. The only exception is when an abstract is not required for the subject matter.

Results and no results

One of the vital characteristics of an abstract is that it contains the result of the study. This is typically a single sentence about what you found in your research. However, you do not need to state the conclusion of your findings in the introduction. Simply offer some background information about your research and back it up with some facts.

Does a research paper need an abstract

Not all research papers need abstracts, and the abstract will be listed as one of the requirements in cases where they are necessary. On the other hand, every research paper must have an introduction. You cannot simply dive into your points without warming the reader up about what they should expect from the topic.


Now you know that an abstract and introduction are two different essential parts of most academic papers, you can get started. Remember to finish your research and writing before you start working on either your abstract or introduction. Make sure that you stick to the requirements for your field of study.

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What Is Plagiarism and Why Should You Avoid It http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com/ethics-of-plagiarism.html http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com/ethics-of-plagiarism.html#respond Thu, 12 Jan 2023 16:02:01 +0000 http://www.lessonslearnedabroad.com/?p=24 With so much information available today, it may be tempting to simply copy information from the internet when you have a task. However, the implications of plagiarism aren’t worth it, irrespective of your field of study. In this article, you will learn why is it important to avoid plagiarism as a researcher.

What is plagiarism?

In research, plagiarism refers to presenting the ideas, words, or concepts of others as your own. It goes beyond simply copying and pasting articles. If you reword the content and present it as your own without giving credit or seeking permission from the writer, you are also plagiarizing.

There are four primary types of plagiarism in research. These are direct plagiarism, accidental plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and mosaic plagiarism. With so much awareness about plagiarism in today’s world, you may be wondering why do students plagiarize and why is plagiarism a problem.

Why is it important to avoid plagiarism?

The simple answer to the question why is plagiarism bad is that it is cheating. Irrespective of the discipline, the consequences of plagiarism are the same. Below are some things that will happen if you don’t avoid plagiarism.

  • You will be penalized

When you submit plagiarized content to your teacher, client, lecturer, or anyone else, you will be penalized. There are multiple advanced tools that people can use to determine if your content is original or not. Some establishments may allow a certain degree of flexibility, but how much plagiarism is allowed will depend on the person reviewing your work.

  • You will lose your integrity

When you get caught submitting plagiarized content, you lose your credibility among your peers, clients, and others involved. Losing your credibility is one of the worst implications of plagiarism, especially for someone who writes professionally for a living. You will lose existing clients and get bad reviews that keep future clients at bay.

How plagiarism affects students

If you are wondering, Different educational institutions have unique sets of rules regarding how they handle cases of plagiarism. However, irrespective of the institution in question, the consequences can damage a researcher’s long-term academic career.

When you plagiarize, you risk getting suspended, expelled, or losing a chance at advancing your education in a reputable school. For example, high school students who plagiarize important papers may lose scholarship opportunities. Now that you know how plagiarism affects students, you must do what you can to protect yourself and your loved ones.

For professional writers and academic experts, plagiarism may have some legal ramifications. Taking credit for someone else’s work may lead to paying hefty legal fees in the event that you get dragged into a legal battle. This is as long as the original author can prove ownership.

How to avoid plagiarism

To avoid the implications of plagiarism, you need to make sure that you use your own words throughout the content. Even when writing academic work that requires external sources, ensure you do not copy or change a few terms. Rather, read and understand the content, then write down your thoughts. Finally, use an intelligent plagiarism scanner to check the internet for duplicate copies of parts of your work.

Always cite primary sources in your content. When possible, add a hyperlink that takes the reader straight to where you got the information for verification. It also helps to break down complex terms and make them as simple as possible.


Now you know the answer to the question is plagiarism cheating is yes. Plagiarism, irrespective of the type, is cheating, and you must avoid it if you want to maintain your integrity.

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